What is XinCheJian?

Xinchejian is a hackerspace. Hackerspaces are communities where people who are interested in physical computing and technology can meet and collaborate on projects.

Xinchejian is the first hackerspace in China. It is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. Xinchejian's mission is to support and promote physical computing, open source hardware, and the Internet of Things.

What does Xinchejian do?
* Support cool projects
* Hold workshops to teach skills
* Hold talks and discussions
* Help members organize

We hope Xinchejian will help spread the hackerspace idea across China, and inspire more people to join and create new hackerspaces.


Interested to learn more?

* Frequently Asked Questions
* How to Contact Xinchejian
* Xinchejian Projects
* Xinchejian Staff Members
* All Xinchejian Information


Who are XinCheJian Staff Members?

* Xinchejian Staff Members
* Xinchejian Founders







创客空间最早可以追溯到1978年——乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和沃兹尼亚克(Steven Wozniak)在他们的Homebrew Computer Club展示了Apple Zero,再往后,比尔盖茨开始为Basic语言到处筹款……




